About ITCC Penampang

ITCC Penampang consist of a 405-room Business Hotel, 295 units Hotel Suites, 16-storey  Office Tower, a modern Commercial Shopping Mall and a multi purpose Commercial Centre.
ITCC Penampang is listed as a “Private Sector Initiative Project” by the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
ITCC Penampang will enhance the development of the Penampang District through the participation of technology and knowledge based economic activities and business. This is in line with the SDC objectives and initiatives to elevate the State of Sabah to greater levels of social economic growth through the active participation in the technology and knowledge based economic activities and developments.
ITCC Penampang provides a huge space for tourism and exhibition activities and especially those of Information Technology related innovative products. ITCC Penampang can also provide incubator business facilities for both local and overseas entrepreneurs to enhance value added products. ITCC Penampang will act as a catalyst to spur creative macro and micro economy in Penampang as a technology hub, propelling Sabah into the INNOVATION-LED ECONOMY.